Bimalleolar and trimalleolar fractures are serious injuries that affect the bones surrounding the ankle. These fractures often result from various accidents, including:

The pain associated with these types of fractures can be very intense, often requiring immediate medical attention to make sure no further damage is done to the ankle. On top of that, healing from bimalleolar and trimalleolar fractures can be a lengthy and challenging process, often requiring a cast, physical therapy, and patience to regain mobility and function in the affected ankle.

At Abrahamson & Uiterwyk, we understand the emotional and financial impact that bimalleolar and trimalleolar fractures can have on individuals’ lives. These injuries are not only physically impairing, but also come with hefty emotional and financial burdens. Our team has seen the significant pain and suffering these fractures can cause, as well as the exorbitant medical expenses they can bring with them. We have experience in advocating for victims with these types of fractures, seeking to receive the compensation and support they deserve to cover medical bills and alleviating the emotional toll of their injuries. With our legal experience and sincere dedication to pursuing bimalleolar and trimalleolar fracture settlements for clients, we strive to provide support and relief during their recovery. Contact us to speak to a Florida personal injury attorney near you today.

Anatomy Of The Ankle

In order to understand what bimalleolar and trimalleolar fractures are, it’s crucial to understand the anatomy of the ankle. The upper ankle is made up of connections between three key bones: the tibia, the fibula, and the talus. When exposed to trauma, such as falling from a height, car accidents, construction mishaps, or common high-impact events, the lower end of the tibia and fibula can break or even shatter, resulting in a fracture of the malleolus.

Knowing what the various components of the ankle are essential to understanding these injuries.

  • Malleolus – The malleolus is the hammer-shaped bony protrusions on both the inside and outside the ankle.
  • Lateral Malleolus – The lateral malleolus refers to the outer bone bump on the ankle, which is located at the lower end of the fibula
  • Medial Malleolus – The medial malleolus is the inner bone bump, also positioned at the lower end of the tibia.
  • Posteriormalleolus – The posteriormalleolus is the bony protrusion on the back of the ankle.

By understanding the makeup of the ankle, victims can also comprehend the nature and implications of bimalleolar and trimalleolar fractures.

What Is A Bimalleolar Fracture?

A bimalleolar ankle fracture involves a break in both the medial malleolus, as well as the lateral malleolus. There is a fracture to both the inner and outer parts of the ankle. This dual-sided injury results in an unstable ankle joint. The bimalleolar fracture compromises the structural integrity of the joint, making it vulnerable to further damage and potentially early onset ankle arthritis if it is left untreated.

The standard course of treatment for a bimalleolar fracture includes surgical intervention to repair the fracture and stabilize the ankle joint. Surgical intervention aims to reduce the risk of complications and facilitate proper healing.

What Is A Trimalleolar Fracture?

While a trimalleolar fracture is similar to a bimalleolar fracture, it is a relatively rare type of ankle fracture. In fact, it is the least common form of ankle fracture. This is why trimalleolar ankle fracture settlements tend to be higher than simple ankle fractures that only require a cast and time to heal. A trimalleolar fracture occurs when the lower leg sections that make up the ankle joint and facilitate foot and ankle movement are broken.

Treatment typically involves surgical repair followed by an extensive regimen of physical therapy and doctor’s visits to check on healing progress. The impact of a trimalleolar fracture on one’s quality of life can be complex and long-lasting. Due to the complex and rare nature of this injury, including the effects on stability of the joint, recovery can be challenging and may require ongoing rehabilitation efforts. Unfortunately, individuals who experience a trimalleolar fracture often face long-term complications that necessitate extensive medical care and support to reduce the effects it may have on their daily functioning and overall well-being.

Symptoms Of Bimalleolar & Trimalleolar Fractures

Bimalleolar and trimalleolar fractures can have similar symptoms to a sprained ankle, but they can also significantly impact an individual’s mobility and overall comfort. One hallmark indication of these types of fractures is the sudden onset of severe pain in the ankle region after a motor vehicle collision, sports injury, or slip and fall accident. This severe pain is often accompanied by an inability to bear weight or walk on the ankle.

Bruising around the ankle and swelling is also a common symptom, and can sometimes be severe. Victims of accidents or negligence that experience a bimalleolar or trimalleolar fracture may experience pain and swelling not only within the ankle, but also radiating to other parts of the foot and even up to the knee. Applying pressure to the injured ankle can also exacerbate the pain, which is a telltale sign of these specific types of fractures. Recognizing these symptoms is important, as is seeking prompt medical attention and starting appropriate treatment to make sure to mitigate the risk of complications and ease the pain.

Trimalleolar & Bimalleolar Fracture Settlement Value

Various factors can affect bimalleolar and trimalleolar ankle fracture settlement values, including:

  1. Severity of Injury – The extent of damage the fracture does to the ankle, including the complexity of the fracture and any complications, can significantly impact the value of a trimalleolar settlement. More severe injuries along with the fracture often result in higher compensation.
  2. Medical Expenses – The total cost of medical treatment, including trimalleolar or bimalleolar surgeries, hospital stays, rehabilitation, physical therapy, and ongoing care, is a determining factor in the settlement amount. Higher medical expenses generally lead to larger settlements.
  3. Lost Income – Compensation for lost wages or income due to time off work for recovery or disability resulting from the ankle fracture is typically factored into the settlement value. The longer the fracture keeps the individual from being able to work, the greater the impact on the settlement value.
  4. Long-Term Effects – Any long-term or permanent effects the fracture has, such as chronic pain, reduced mobility, or disability, can affect one’s quality of life and earning capacity. Settlement values for trimalleolar or bimalleolar fractures may be adjusted accordingly to account for these long-lasting effects.
  5. Pain and Suffering – Non-economic damages, such as physical pain, emotional distress, and loss of enjoyment of life, are also factored into account when determining settlement values. The severity and duration of non-economical damages play a significant role in negotiating a fair bimalleolar or trimalleolar settlement amount.

Bimalleolar & Trimalleolar Ankle Fracture Settlements – Examples Of Cases Abrahamson & Uiterwyk Has Settled

$1,020,000 Settlement for Trimalleolar Ankle Fracture, Bilateral Leg & Ankle Fractures

In 2021, our client suffered a devastating bilateral lower extremity crush injury and left ankle fracture. These injuries were due to the negligent actions of a tow truck driver who dropped a trailer on our client’s legs. The severity of the incident resulted in partial Achilles tendon rupture and traumatic bilateral lower extremity/leg and ankle fractures, requiring extensive medical treatments.

Our team at Abrahamson & Uiterwyk fought tirelessly on behalf of our injured client, obtaining a trimalleolar ankle fracture settlement value of $1,000,000 for bodily injury and $20,000 for uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage. The compensation obtained for our client reflects not only the substantial medical expenses incurred for these types of injuries which in this case required surgery, including left tibia fibula intramedullary nailing and tibia repair, but also acknowledges the long-lasting impact and effects of the injury, which included scarring, physical, and emotional trauma endured by our client. Our dedication and legal advocacy throughout the entire legal process, ensured that our client received the justice and financial compensation he deserved in the face of such negligence.

Have You Sustained a Trimalleolar Or Bimalleolar Ankle Fracture?

Contact us if you’ve endured the pain and hardship of a trimalleolar or bimalleolar ankle fracture due to another person or entity’s negligence, our team of experienced nearby personal injury lawyers, at Abrahamson & Uiterwyk are here to support you. Our main goal is to help you obtain the compensation you rightly deserve. We understand the physical, emotional, and financial toll that these types of ankle fractures can have, and we are dedicated to advocating fiercely on your behalf.

With our extensive knowledge and experience in obtaining trimalleolar or bimalleolar ankle fracture settlements, we will work diligently to hold those responsible for your injuries accountable and pursue the maximum compensation you deserve. Let our team guide you through the legal process, providing experienced legal representation and compassionate support throughout the entire process. Your well-being and seeking justice are our top priorities, therefore we are committed to fighting tirelessly to achieve the best possible outcome for you.