If you are dealing with an injury after an accident, you might be curious about how the GEICO settlement payouts and how GEICO’s injury claim process works.

GEICO settlement payouts

If you suffered injuries in an accident caused by a GEICO customer, you must deal with this mega-insurer to get a settlement for your damages. Some common questions you might have include:

  • What is GEICO’s claims process?
  • How long does GEICO take to settle a personal injury claim? and
  • Will GEICO offer a reasonable settlement in my case?

Learning some basic information from the team of experienced car accident lawyers at Abrahamson & Uiterwyk about this popular insurance company can help. Likewise, understanding their policies and processes can make it easier to get through the complex process of obtaining an injury accident settlement.

How long does it take GEICO to send settlement check?

Before making any decisions, consider talking to a car accident lawyer in Florida near you about your case. For example, a Tampa car accident lawyer can help protect your legal rights and fight to get you the settlement you deserve for your injuries and other damages.

How to Contact GEICO’s Claims Department for Florida

GEICO writes a large percentage of its policies directly to consumers, rather than selling through insurance agents. You can learn how to file a GEICO insurance claim on the company’s website. You can also find information there about how to contact GEICO about an existing claim.

Some customers do purchase their policies through authorized agents. If you had an accident with a GEICO insured, you may be able to contact their independent agent for help reaching the claims department.

Should I Expect GEICO to Make a Fair Settlement Offer?

Just as you would expect to encounter with any large insurer, GEICO personal injury settlements come in all forms and sizes.

No insurance company is anxious to pay an accident victim fair value for their claim. In fact, most insurers will attempt to pay as little as possible. Getting a fair settlement offer from GEICO requires time, patience, and, sometimes, help from an experienced car accident attorney in your area.

Several settlement disputes involving GEICO have made headlines over the past few years. In many of these cases, including one notable case in Miami, the jury held GEICO accountable for bad faith dealings with accident victims.

In another court case, this one in Palm Beach, a jury compelled GEICO to pay $8.48 million to a victim’s family in a wrongful death claim. The insurer’s original payment on the claim had been for $100,000. GEICO appealed, but the verdict was upheld.

GEICO has substantial resources at its disposal. The company will not hesitate to leverage those resources to minimize your claim value or deny your claim outright.

GEICO settlement for pain and suffering

Featured case result: GEICO Policy Limits Settlement for Client Who Suffered Head Injury in Auto Accident

This was a difficult case where the driver of the vehicle, in which our client was a passenger, made a left turn in front of oncoming traffic causing a collision with a Ford Mustang. Unfortunately, the driver turning left had no bodily injury insurance.

Our client was taken to the emergency room where she remained for three days. She suffered a significant head injury including a traumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage. Additionally, our client sustained a fracture to the lower portion of her neck and was recommended for surgery.

We presented a comprehensive demand package to GEICO, the company that insured the other driver of the Mustang. We argued that that driver had a clear opportunity to see that the vehicle our client was in was in control of the intersection. Further, the vehicle our client was in had nearly completed its turn when the Mustang plowed into it. The facts also suggested that the Mustang was speeding.

Thus, we argued that the Mustang was partially at fault for causing the accident. Recognizing its potential for being sued and partially responsible, GEICO paid its entire limit of liability insurance to our client $100,000. Fortunately, we were also able to reduce our client’s substantial medical bills and obtain a substantial recovery for her.

GEICO Case Settlement Examples

How much compensation you get for a GEICO case settlement in Florida varies based on the unique circumstances of each situation and the severity of your injuries. Based on our own settlement data on this page, the average GEICO case settlement is between $100,000 to $300,000.

$300,000 GEICO Settlement Payout for Auto Accident

On the date of his accident, our client was driving south on McMullen Booth Road in Tarpon Springs when the defendant recklessly pulled out of a side street and struck our client’s car on the driver’s side door. After the impact, our client presented himself to the emergency room with complaints of a headache, and neck and low back pain. Following his discharge from the hospital he engaged the legal services of Abrahamson and Uiterwyk and we quickly went to work on his claim.

Our client initially began treating with a chiropractor, who recommended our client undergo a regiment of physical therapy and chiropractic care. MRI’s of the cervical spine and left shoulder were ordered. The cervical spine MRI revealed five large herniated discs, while the shoulder MRI showed a rotator cuff tear. Even though these findings were significant, our client attempted to deal with the pain and restrictions without surgical intervention.

Abrahamson and Uiterwyk sent a demand for payment in the amount of $75,000 to the defendant’s insurance company, along with the warning that future surgical intervention was highly probable. The insurance company disregarded our warning and attempted to settle the case for an extremely low amount that barely covered the client’s outstanding medical bills. We, of course, rejected this unreasonable offer.

In the meantime, the client’s pain level increased to the point that his desire to return to any level of “normalcy” required that he undergo an anterior cervical discectomy and fusion. After the surgery, the defendant’s insurance company was presented with the surgical records and a new demand for their policy limits. With the support of the new medical records, our attorney was able to apply enough pressure on the defendant’s insurance company to convince them to tender their policy limits of $100,000. In addition, the same demand and approach was used against the client’s underinsured motorist carrier, GEICO, who did not hesitate to tender their limits of $300,000. Our client was very happy that he was able to undergo a surgical procedure to alleviate his pain and also recover the maximum amount of insurance proceeds available.

$300,000 GEICO Settlement Payout for Car Accident

Our client, a resident of Venice, FL, was headed south on US 41 at the intersection of McIntosh Road when the defendant negligently failed to stop and caused a rear end collision. The defendant later tried to blame rainy weather for the accident.

Our client began medical treatment shortly after the accident with a chiropractor for pain in her neck and lower back. She also began to experience symptoms such as headaches, dizziness, anxiety, and traumatic stress. These and other symptoms suggested that our client had sustained a concussion in the accident. She has evaluated by a neurologist and a psychiatrist who found that she indeed suffered a closed head brain injury. Our firm also had her evaluated by a Ph. D neuropsychologist who found that she had sustained post-concussion syndrome as a direct result of the car accident.

Eventually we were successful in convincing the defendant’s insurance company, GEICO, to pay its entire insurance policy limit of $300,000.00. We did so by demonstrating to GEICO that their insured was at fault and by providing extensive medical substantiation of the post-concussion syndrome injury.

$195,000 GEICO Settlement Payout for Auto Accident

On the day of this accident, our client was traveling west on State Road 54 in Pasco County, FL approaching the intersection of Old Cypress Creek Road. The defendant, who was driving a large sport utility vehicle, was traveling east on S.R. 54 when he attempted to turn left on Old Cypress Creek Rd. directly in the path of our client. Our client was unable to avoid colliding with the defendant in a T-bone fashion. The defendant was cited by the police for failure to yield the right of way.

Our client felt immediate pain in her middle and lower back and presented to an urgent care facility. She was evaluated and referred to a specialist for further treatment. MRI scans revealed disc bulges in our client’s thoracic spine and lumbar spine. Based on these serious injuries, her doctor recommended she undergo a procedure called a radiofrequency ablation. This procedure involves using radio waves to create a current that heats a small area of nerve tissue. The heat destroys that area of the nerve, stopping it from sending pain signals to the brain. Radiofrequency ablation can provide lasting relief from chronic pain. Our client underwent radiofrequency ablation in both the thoracic and lumbar areas of her spine.

Once our client had reached her maximum medical improvement, we prepared and submitted a comprehensive demand package to the defendant’s insurance company and to our client’s uninsured motorist insurer. The defendant’s insurer paid its minimal policy limit to our client early on since it was clear that the value of the claim far exceeded it. Our client’s insurer, however, initially refused to make a good faith offer. We negotiated hard with them letting them know that we were prepared to press our client’s case in court if necessary. Finally, we were able to convince them to make a fair offer, and the case settled for a total of $195,000.00, a result that our client was very happy with.

$100,000 GEICO Settlement Payout for E-Scooter Accident

Our client, who was 19 years old at the time of this accident, was traveling south on her electric scooter across 54th Ave. South in St. Petersburg, FL. The defendant was operating a Honda HRV was traveling eastbound on 54th Ave. South and was attempting to make a left turn onto 31st Street South. Unfortunately, the defendant failed to yield the right of way to our client and collided with her electric scooter causing our client to be thrown onto the hood of the defendant’s vehicle and then onto the hard pavement.

Our client was taken by ambulance to the hospital where she was treated for numerous injuries including a facial fracture, left knee pain and lower back pain. She followed up with an injury physician who prescribed MRI studies for her knee and lower back. The knee MRI unfortunately showed a partial tear of the ACL ligament, and the lower back scan showed two herniated discs.

We prepared a demand package for the defendant’s insurance company which detailed all the injuries our client had suffered and how those injuries had affected her life. We were able to convince the insurance company to tender the $100,000.00 limit under its policy. We also negotiated hard with our client’s medical providers, including the hospital which had a large bill. Ultimately, we were able to cut the bills in half which saved our client a significant sum of money. Our client was very pleased with the outcome which provided her with much needed compensation.

How Long Does it take GEICO to Send a Settlement Check?

You won’t collect any compensation from GEICO until you agree to a settlement.

Once you initiate a claim, the company will assign an adjuster to review the facts of your case. The adjuster will eventually come to you with an offer to resolve the case.

The company’s first settlement offer is likely to seriously undervalue your claim, often to the point of being ridiculous. However, some accident victims accept these lowball offers because the company’s adjusters convince them it’s the best they’re going to get. Other victims accept lowball offers because they need the funds immediately.

If you want to recover the full value of your damages, you could be waiting and negotiating for a long time. GEICO and other insurers rely on the fact that individual consumers often lack the legal knowledge and resources to fight for fair compensation. Hiring a car accident lawyer near you in Florida to represent you can help force the insurer to negotiate in good faith and offer a reasonable settlement.

How Long Does GEICO Take to Settle a Personal Injury Claim?

The time it takes for GEICO to settle a personal injury claim varies depending on the complexity of the case, the severity of the injuries, and whether liability is disputed. In cases with clear liability and minimal injuries, a settlement might be reached within a few weeks to a couple of months. However, more complicated claims or those involving serious injuries may take several months or even over a year to settle. It’s important to ensure that you don’t rush into accepting a settlement, as the first offer may undervalue your claim.

GEICO Pain and Suffering Calculator

This calculator can help you estimate the non-economic damages (pain and suffering) in your injury case.

Multiplier Result


Per Diem Result


This is just an estimate, and the actual compensation you may receive will depend on the specific facts of your case. Consult with a personal injury lawyer for a more accurate assessment.

Understanding How GEICO Settlements for Pain and Suffering Are Calculated

GEICO settlements for pain and suffering typically aim to compensate accident victims for the physical and emotional distress caused by an injury. Pain and suffering are considered non-economic damages, meaning they don’t have a direct monetary value like medical bills or lost wages. GEICO, like many insurance companies, often uses a formula or calculator to determine pain and suffering compensation, factoring in the severity of the injury, recovery time, and the overall impact on the victim’s life. However, initial offers for pain and suffering may undervalue the claim, so it’s important to negotiate or consult with an attorney to ensure fair compensation.

Tips for Getting Fair Value in Your Florida GEICO Accident Settlement

You can’t expect GEICO (or any large insurance company) to play fair when it comes to negotiating your settlement. Fortunately, you can take action to help prevent large insurers from taking advantage of you.

Do Not Provide Any Statements to GEICO

When you open a claim with any insurance company, the adjuster will request a recorded statement from you. The adjuster will assure you this is standard practice and perhaps even suggest that this step is necessary to move your claim forward.

You need to understand that you are not required to provide any statement, and most car accident attorneys advise against making a statement. GEICO can use anything you say during your statement against you.

Likewise, be careful of anything you say when meeting with the insurance adjuster. Even the most casual comment can undermine your claim. Talk to an attorney in your area of Florida before you provide any statement, especially one that the insurer records.

Do Not Agree to Any Payout or Settlement

Another common practice used by GEICO and other car insurance companies is making an early offer for settlement. In almost every case, these offers represent only a portion of your claim’s true value. Insurance companies attempt these lowball offers with the hope that you need money ASAP to cover your bills.

Although that might be true, accepting an undervalued offer comes with the stipulation that you can’t pursue any further claim for your injuries. You may not realize the actual value of your claim, and GEICO will try to take advantage of your vulnerability. Contact an insurance claim attorney today.

Hire a Car Accident Lawyer Near You to Negotiate with GEICO

Despite what might sound like dire circumstances, GEICO car accident settlements can be fair to the victim. Understanding the value of your claim will help, but that’s just the first step. You must also know how to document your claim and fight for what you deserve.

That’s where an experienced car accident lawyer near you can help.

Personal injury lawyers—especially those who have experience negotiating GEICO settlements—can provide much-needed assistance. Your lawyer can gather evidence and document your claim thoroughly. Lawyers have the knowledge and resources to build a persuasive case and negotiate your claim.

If GEICO won’t settle for an acceptable dollar amount, your lawyer can move forward with a lawsuit.

geico settlement check
geico paing and suffering calculator

Signs That You Need to File a Personal Injury Claim Against GEICO

After a car accident, you might feel like you’re fighting a losing battle with the at-fault party’s insurance company. If that company is GEICO, those frustrations can quickly become overwhelming.

You need the resources to pay for medical treatment and care. If you can’t work because of your injuries, you might also need help with living expenses. If the insurer pressures you to make statements or accept a settlement, talk to a lawyer to explore your options.

Consult a Florida GEICO Car Accident Lawyer at No Cost

The local Florida personal injury lawyers of Abrahamson & Uiterwyk understand what you’re facing, and we can help. For more than 30 years, we have fought for clients who were wrongfully injured. We know how to deal with insurance giants like GEICO. We help protect your legal rights and fight for every dollar you deserve for your injuries and other damages.

We offer a free, no-obligation consultation, and we never collect any legal fees until we recover a settlement in your case. If you would like to learn more about what you should expect from the car accident settlement process with GEICO, contact us now. We’ve helped clients throughout Hillsborough, Pinellas, Pasco, Manatee, Sarasota, and Hernando County.

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“Highly recommended. Abrahamson & Uiterwyk handled my case when I was involved in a car accident and handled it quickly and professionally. The lawyers are very accessible and are willing to talk to clients any time they have any questions and concerns. The entire case was handled transparently. They took care of all paperwork and dealing with the insurance companies and we were more than satisfied with the results.”

Steven B.
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What Is GEICO Insurance?

You’re likely familiar with GEICO’s many light-hearted and irreverent commercials and their little gecko mascot. Beyond the clever advertising campaigns, however, you might not know too much more about the company’s history and reputation as an insurance company.

Originally established in 1936 as the Government Employees Insurance Company, GEICO insured only military members and federal employees until 1974. Today, GEICO provides auto insurance policies to the general public. The company ranks as the second-largest insurer in the U.S., second only to State Farm.

Although GEICO formerly underwrote property and life insurance, the company focuses exclusively on auto insurance today, insuring more than 28 million vehicles.